Félig kiszélesített karosszériával újít a Maxvan lakóautója

A Maxvan Route különlegessége, hogy csak bal oldalon szélesítik ki a lakóteret 22 centivel.
2024-08-12 10:07:23

In one US state, women politicians dominate. What pointers can it offer Kamala Harris?

With no woman having served as president, the state run by women could offer pointers for a route to the White House.
2024-08-03 06:07:47

Route taken by man who dumped bodies on Bristol bridge

The remains of two adult males were found in suitcases left on the Clifton Suspension Bridge on Wednesday, police say.
2024-07-12 19:08:12

Sir Keir Starmer: From indie kid to prime minister

His route to No 10 has been one of twists and turns, from lively student days, decades in law to a late career change.
2024-07-05 14:08:23

Germany sees steady rise in arrivals via 'Belarus route' this year

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2024-06-16 10:08:35

Israel announces military pause on Gaza road to let in aid

The pause will last for several hours every day along a main route from the Kerem Shalom crossing.
2024-06-16 10:08:29

Watch: The route Michael Mosley is thought to have taken

The BBC's Joe Inwood shows where TV presenter Michael Mosley is thought to have been walking when he disappeared.
2024-06-08 15:07:41

Eagles changed migration route to avoid Ukraine war

Scientists believe they avoided perils including artillery fire on their way to their traditional breeding ground.
2024-05-21 16:09:22

Virgin Trains targets West Coast in return to rail

Virgin Group has applied for a licence to run trains on the route it lost to Avanti in 2019.
2024-05-19 17:08:19

US confirms first aid trucks arrive via Gaza pier

It marks the opening of a new route for humanitarian aid to reach the stricken Gaza Strip.
2024-05-17 11:09:00

Fridge-wearing marathon runner gets down on one knee

Daniel ran the London Marathon wearing a household fridge and proposed to his girlfriend en route.
2024-04-21 22:09:28

Indonesian airline TransNusa adds Bali route to diving-spot Manado

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2024-04-08 17:09:47

Photo of old submarine misrepresented as being en route to Uganda

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2024-04-05 19:09:13

Interim cargo route to open near Baltimore bridge

The alternative channel is being set up for use by "essential" commercial vessels.
2024-04-01 14:08:28

Israel downplays truce prospects after Hamas response

Meanwhile an aid ship is nearing Gaza in a pilot voyage aimed at opening up a maritime supply route.
2024-03-15 12:08:36

UN uses new route from Israel to reach north Gaza

Lorries used a gate in the border fence to reach the north, where the UN says famine is looming.
2024-03-13 12:09:04

Zelensky, en route to Argentina, holds meeting with leader of Cabo Verde

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2023-12-10 01:06:52

UK Set to Reject Big Tech Call for Antitrust Appeals Route

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2023-10-24 17:08:25

At least 30 migrants feared dead in Canary Islands disaster

The Western Africa-Atlantic migration route is considered one of the world's deadliest.
2023-06-22 15:14:51

Families board makeshift rafts to get closer to the US

There's a bustling trade in people and goods across the Guatemala-Mexico river border this week. But almost all skirts the route across the road bridge and tries to avoid official eyes by floating across the water.
2023-09-26 22:24:50

An 'unprecedented drought' is affecting the Panama Canal. El Ni?o could make it worse.

An "unprecedented drought" is affecting the Panama Canal's water supply and leading authorities to impose surcharges and weight limits on ships traversing the key global trade route, according to the Panama Canal Authority.
2023-06-14 03:06:39

New US-backed India-Middle East trade route to challenge China's ambitions

US President Joe Biden, along with leaders of India, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, announced on Saturday the launch of a new trade route connecting India to the Middle East and Europe through railways and ports. The White House said the project would usher in a "new era of connectivity."
2023-09-11 19:06:41

Olyan akciót kell végrehajtania az amerikai fegyveres erőknek Gázában, amilyet már több, mint tíz éve nem csináltak

Amerikai katonák érkeznek a Gázai övezet partjaira, hogy egy úszó mólót építsenek, amely lehetővé teszi a humanitárius segélyek szállítását az enklávéba - írta az ABC.
2024-03-13 10:07:40

Beválni látszik Putyin nagy terve, teljesen megkerülnék a világot

Megérkezett Baltijszkba az első olyan teherhajó, amely az északi sarkköri útvonalat használta. Az útvonalat Moszkva azzal a felütéssel reklámozza, hogy erre sokkal gyorsabban és költséghatékonyabban lehet megkerülni az eurázsiai kontinenst, mint a Szuezi-csatorna felé ? írja a The Moscow Times.
2023-10-06 15:07:52

Olyan bejelentést tettek a törökök, aminek biztos nem fog örülni Kína - Fontos területen lobbanhat fel a rivalizálás

Törökország egy 25 milliárd dolláros közlekedési folyosót tervez, amely az országot elkerülő, India által javasolt útvonallal riválisa lenne. Az Iraki Fejlesztési Út, más néven "szárazföldi csatorna" 1200 kilométernyi vasúton és közúton keresztül fogja összekötni Irak Grand Faw kikötőjét Törökország északi határával. Abdulkadir Uraloglu török közlekedési és infrastrukturális miniszter szerint a projekt "komoly alternatívája" lenne az India - Közel-Kelet - Európa gazdasági folyosónak - tudósított az Asia Nikkei.
2023-10-20 15:07:09

Why Pakistanis are taking the dangerous Libya route to Europe

Farhad and Touheed were among thousands paying huge sums to risk a perilous boat journey via Libya.
2023-08-01 13:47:48

First grain ships arrive in Ukraine using new route

Officials say the vessels will deliver 200,000 tonnes of wheat to world markets.
2023-09-17 15:39:51


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